Pearl Nano two channel streaming

I have read, "Since Pearl Nano is a single-channel encoder, the channel index number is always 1. Pearl
Nano doesn’t support multiple channels, multiple layouts, recorders, touch screen, and the
Motion JPEG codec. "

  1. Does the encoder api support Gets/Sets for controlling HLS and DASH streaming settings?
  2. Is there another encoder that has an api that supports HLS and DASH streaming settings?

We would like to stream RTMP and HSL on the same encoder.

While the Pearl Nano does not support multiple channels, it does support outputting multiple streams simultaneously. You should be able to manually configure both an RTMP and HLS stream without issue.

Our API guide, found here,, does not currently list any commands for HLS or DASH streaming. It’s possible this means the guide simply needs to be updated, but it’s also possible that there are no fully tested commands that are suitable for controlling/creating these streams via API.

We will look into this, hopefully the guide just needs a quick update, but if you’d like you can also contact us via and we can try to look into this issue further.

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Thank you, I will email and check with them.

The Pearl Nano supports multiple RTMP(S) outputs manually. The api supports setting the RTMP output configuration. But it appears to only support the one RTMP output. We would like to use the api to output 2 or more RTMP outputs. Are there additional parameters, prefixes, suffixes, commands, etc. that will allow setting the configuration for additional RTMP outputs? Or can you suggest another encoder model that supports this?

I refer to