What does the reset button do?

I’m an end user of a Pearl-2 we have set up to record various computer screens at my office.

When you connect to the Pearl 2 with a web browser, on the Recording page, there are “Start”, “Stop”, and “Reset” buttons near the top. Start and Stop are obvious, but what does Reset do?

The user manual doesn’t say, and I’m not inclined to try it and find out, since the system is in production and is supposed to record continuously…


The Reset button essentially acts as a “cut” to an active recording to start a new file.

As an example: If you start a recording at 9:21AM and then at 9:25AM hit the “reset” button while recording, it will stop that recording and start a new recording seamlessly with 1 frame lost between recording 1 and recording 2

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Thanks for the info! That’s what I was hoping it would do (I was just afraid it might be “reset recording settings to defaults” or something).