Programatically change resolution in DVI2USB 3.0 in linux

Hi all,

I am trying to use DVI2USB 3.0 under linux in my own C++ app. I need the user to be able to choose the desired resolution. Is there any way of doing this?

The closest I have found is to edit the EDID using

V2U_Property p;
p.key = V2UKey_EDID;
p.edid = … (assign value)
FrmGrab_SetProperty(&framegrabber, &p)

But does not seem to work.
Any advice?


The DVI2USB 3.0 will always capture at the native input signal of the video source. Changes to the EDID could make differences here, but it wouldn’t be a solution this programmatically as to change the EDID you need to unplug the video source from the DVI input port, apply the new EDID, then plug the video source back in. Even then, this wouldn’t guarantee a resolution as video sources are free to ignore the EDID.

The real answer here is either to change the resolution being output on the video source itself, or to so scaling within your app to the desired resolution.