The AFU via FTP is very nice and quite important to our workflow. However we have some clients who only record in the field with no net access and then would like to use this function when they return to the office with network.
From what I can tell there is no manual trigger of AFU for what is in the queue?
Speaking specifically for the Pearl Mini in this case.
There is an option to set a time delay for when the Automatic File Upload begins. If you go to the “Automatic File Upload” section of the Admin Web Panel, under “Configuration”, you’ll see that there’s an option for a time delay under the drop down menu “How often”.
The countdown begins as soon as the selected option is applied and will be paused when the unit is powered off.
We have seen that option but unfortunately that work around will not work for us.
Often the client will set up gear hours or even a day ahead for testing and leave everything on. The countdown will pass and the auto uploads will start trying to connect. When the FTP transfer fails it starts quickly filling the FTP log with errors. We are not comfortable with an error log filling so quickly while a live event is going on.
On a related note. I just confirmed that the countdown timer does not pause when the unit is turned off, It starts over again. Pearl Mini FW 4.9.1i
Thanks again for your help. Appreciate the quick response.