MP4 from Pearl showing wrong video?

I streamed and recorded an event with a Pearl using two cameras. I set up a channel with two layouts, one for each camera. As the event happened, I switched back and forth between the relevant views. I set up a recorder to record the channel. Now I’m trying to make a final copy using OpenShot. When I bring in a file that showed camera 2 in the output channel it shows camera 1 in Openshot. How is that even possible? I would think that the MP4 file would only contain what was shown on the channel. Is there any way to get it to show the correct view?

If you are using a Recorder file rather than a channel file, a Recorder creates a multi-track recorder file: a single download file that contains separate video and audio files. As an example, if you have two created channels within Pearl such as
Channel 1 and Channel 2, the recorder will record both into that single video/audio file. Inside that file are two completely separate channel video and audio files.
You will need to separate those files in order to select the correct one. In the Web UI you can select and separate specific tracks by going to that recorder’s recording file and clicking on the quadrant icon which will list all the video and audio tracks within that file.
Select the video and audio file of choice and extract that file. It will appear as a sub-recording beneath that multi-track recording file which you can now download

Is there a tool with which I can separate the tracks without the device? I no longer have access to it; It was rented.

Awesome device, by the way!

Unfortunately I do not know of any software that can separate the files. I believe FFMPEG could probably achieve this but that’s not something I’d be able to assist you with unfortunately

Ok, Thank you very much!

FFMPEG works nicely! Thank you very much!

If I’d had more than a day with this machine I’d have used the channels as you said. My lack of knowledge and experience led to some bad decisions and caused a less than perfect outcome. Now that I know how the device works, I’ll be ready if I ever get the opportunity again.