External SD card reader for Pearl Mini

Hi - does Epiphan make an external SD card reader for Pearl mini formatted cards? I often record multiple meeting room sessions simultaneously at conferences and it would be so much easier if I could swap out the SD Cards between sessions to dump the recordings (often three channels per deck) in a central location. If Epiphan doesn’t make one do you know of one that will read your format?


Unfortunately we do not make or offer an external SD card reader. The SD card formatting on the Pearl Mini are EXT format, which would be compatible with Linux, however would not be compatible to read on a Windows or Mac system.

Pearl Mini does however have an “Automatic File Upload” feature available to offload recorded content either to network-based storage or to USB storage upon completion of a recording:

I would use the auto download if it didn’t delete the file automatically from the sd card … thanks for your answer though.

I would recommend verifying your AFU settings. There is an option that does remove the files after transfer that can be disabled