Error after upgrading to Premium Cloud Account

I have just upgraded our cloud account ro the premium level and when attempting to open the admin login from the cloud interface I am greeted with the following message, “Device is not connected to Remote login server.”

I have logged out/back in to the cloud account with no effect. I have also unpaired and repaired a device to see if that would help.

Do I just need to wait for my cloud account to update? I don’t remember doing this last time I upgraded our account.

I have now confirmed I have no access through cloud for all my Pearl Nano units as well as all my Pearl2 units.

Is the Epiphan Cloud service experiencing an issue?

After running the connectivity status in network diagnostics I am receiving this message
“Support server - Connection denied by”

I am hoping this helps resolve our challenge.

This challenge has been resolved through support.

It appears as if I was experiencing an error hitting at the same time epiphan cloud was experiencing a minor outage. When it rains it pours.

Thank you Epiphan for your support!