Capture and show live 720p full screen - AVioHD

Hi, I need to capture and show 720p (camera capture to insert in signage software) - I’m not being able to get results with Adobe Flash Media Live - am I trying the impossible? (Need 25hz motion, full resolution). Is it just a question of settings on the FML? Thanks

The HD can certainly capture 720p 25hz without issue. Adobe Flash Media Live encoder is older software, so that might be the problem. I would recommend trying other software such as VLC media player, OBS, or the Windows 10 Camera app.

Thanks for the very helpful reply, Adam.
OBS - I only need to “stream” within the PC (content required to simple signage sw), will pursue trying to understand how
WIN10Cam - works great, only drawback is that I want full screen of captured content (applying to any app!) - any suggestion on how to?
VLC - that was my starting point, too much delay, not full frame rate

In VLC you can compensate for the delay here by setting the caching to 0ms. If you click “Show more options” when on the open Capture Device page you can set the caching to 0ms.